To help the professionals allied in medical field, soon the Schizophrenia Research Foundation (SCARF) will launch a diploma course in mental health care and counseling courses. The main aim of the foundation is to help the professionals regarding the various health issues and remedies for the same.
The organization strives to reduce the death rate in India due to poor health issues.
The one-year course will soon hit the floor in July 2016 with the foundation providing practical training in psychosocial rehabilitation, including patient and family counseling, and psychological interventions along with their theoretical aspects.
The program will also train people to work at the community level.
"Given the paucity of mental health professionals in India, we anticipate that this course will help fulfill an important gap and improve the skills of mental health professionals to offer valuable inputs to those who need it," said Dr R Thara, director of SCARF.
Those who have completed/ are completing their bachelors in psychology, social work, nursing and other allied medical specialties, doctors and interested care givers can apply.
For more details regarding the same please visit or send an email to [email protected].
Tags: Schizophrenia Research Foundation
Health Care