Under the multiple schemes run by the University Grants Commission (UGC), it releases grants to various colleges and Universities for the purpose of enhancing the quality and access of higher education in the country.
Some of the schemes implemented by the UGC include ASIST (Assistance for Strengthening of Infrastructure for Science and Technology), UPE (Universities with Potential for Excellence), CPE (Colleges with Potential for Excellence), Assistance for Strengthening of Infrastructure for Humanities and Social Sciences, SAP (Special assistance programme), and many others. All the functions pertaining to the disbursement of grants and regulations are looked over by the Review Committee of the UGC. On 30th July, 2014, the Government formed a UGC Review Committee. The committee was headed by the former UGC Chairman, Prof. Hari Gautam. The aim of the committee is to reshape and restructure the role to UGC in order to meet today's challenges in the higher education and ensuring that the country reaches its true potential. The terms of this committee can be read here "“ http://mhrd.gov.in/sites/upload_files/mhrd/files/RevUGC0.pdf The above information was furnished by Prof Ram Shankar Katheria while replying to a question in the Lok Sabha.
Tags: Ugc
Lok Sabha
Ram Shankar Katheria
Prof Hari Gautam