Tanisha Vijay, who scored 99.17 per cent, topped the class 10 boards conducted by The Board of Secondary Education of Rajasthan (BSER), followed by Tushar Sharma, who successfully secured the second position. The results were declared on June 19. The Madhyamik examinations were conducted by the Rajasthan education board from March 10 to 21, across various centres in the state.
A total of 10,81,879 candidates appeared for the examinations this year. Boys managed to outperform girls this year, with 76.02 per cent of them clearing the exams. 75.70 percent of the girls who appeared for the boards, cleared these exams. The overall pass percentages recorded are 75.80.
The candidates can login to the official websites, rajeduboard.nic or rajresults.nic.in.
After submission of the required details, they can see their result on the screens. Students are advised to take a print out of the result for future reference.
The Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education (RBSE) was established on December 4, 1957, in Jaipur and was shifted to Ajmer in 1961. The Board works for the promotion and development of secondary education in the state of Rajasthan.
Tags: Rajasthan Board Results
Rajasthan Results
Boards Results
Class X