Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
The education sector in India can be divided into two segments-formal and non-formal. The formal segment includes K-12 (Kindergarten to 12th grade) and higher education. Although more than 80 percent of the market size is constituted by the formal segment, strict regulations that prevent participants from distributing profits keep opportunities for investment in this sector really limited. On the other hand, despite being relatively smaller, the non-formal space involves low levels of regulations which allow participants to distribute profits.
A major concern for India is its Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) which is much lower than that of the developing world and the global average. The mid-day meal scheme was launched with the objective of attracting students from rural and backward areas so that these children would get suitable nutrition and food would act as an incentive for parents to send their children to school. Although the rise in India’s GER from 12 percent to 16 percent between 2008-2013 is definitely a positive indication, a lot still needs to be done for enhancing educational reach and standards.
Higher Education
According to Frost & Sullivan research, the GER of 11 per cent in 2008 rose to 16 per cent in 2013 and is slated to increase to 21 per cent by 2021. The allocation of INR 81,000 crore in 2009 helped create about two million higher education seats which is far less than the requirement of almost 10 million higher education seats. These can be plausibly filled by private public partnerships.
Employability is one of the essential goals of a higher education system. It is imperative to ensure that higher education is financially, physically and virtually accessible for students. Improved credit facilities also serve to encourage students to pursue higher education. Improved infrastructure facilities and high quality pedagogy can attract foreign students to pursue higher studies in India. Digital learning in classrooms has revolutionized the classroom learning experience for the students.
In terms of research competence, institutions like the IIT’s are not very far behind their compatriots abroad. For instance, every faculty in an IIT is expected to produce three research papers a year as against 1.8 per faculty member for University of Purdue in the USA. However, any path breaking and original research is rare and most of it usually involves just minor tweaking in pre-existing papers. Ironically, the funding for research received by IIT’s is a meager five percent of that received by universities in developed countries like the USA.
One of the major worries of the Central and State governments is the huge pool of graduates who are not industry-ready just because they lack the requisite skill sets. This represents the biggest threat to social development. Firstly, it reflects negatively on the utility of the Indian education system. Secondly, it represents a discontented lot who are compelled to resort to devious ways of minting money, for want of proper unemployment. The growing instances of corruption in India coupled with the ever increasing crime rate must draw the attention of all stakeholders to the importance of employment generation so that these young minds can be constructively engaged.
Key Recommendations of Frost & Sullivan
- Importance of Values Orientation
- Necessity of Cross Cultural Diversity to enhance Research
- Teacher training sessions to improve the quality of teaching
- Excellence in Academic Administration.
About Frost & Sullivan
Frost & Sullivan is a Growth Partnership Company which works in collaboration with clients to leverage visionary innovation that addresses the global challenges and related growth opportunities, capable of making or breaking today's market participants.
The education sector in India can be divided into two segments-formal and non-formal. The formal segment includes K-12 (Kindergarten to 12th grade) and higher education. Although more than 80 percent of the market size is constituted by the formal segment, strict regulations that prevent participants from distributing profits keep opportunities for investment in this sector really limited. On the other hand, despite being relatively smaller, the non-formal space involves low levels of regulations which allow participants to distribute profits.
A major concern for India is its Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) which is much lower than that of the developing world and the global average. The mid-day meal scheme was launched with the objective of attracting students from rural and backward areas so that these children would get suitable nutrition and food would act as an incentive for parents to send their children to school. Although the rise in India’s GER from 12 percent to 16 percent between 2008-2013 is definitely a positive indication, a lot still needs to be done for enhancing educational reach and standards.
Media Contact Details:
Priya George, Corporate Communications – South Asia Frost & Sullivan, ,+91-9840355432 ,+91 (44) 66814414 , [email protected]
Ravinder Kaur, Corporate Communications - South Asia Frost & Sullivan, ,+91-9940141714 ,+91 (44) 66814413 , [email protected]
Tags: Indian Education Sector
Frost & Sullivan
Research Competence
Higher Education