The pendulums are swinging and with each passing minute the class 10 science board exam is arriving. In order to perform well on the science exam it is necessary that students avoid any kind of mental stress and prepare a strategy to conquer the grounds on D-Day.
Below are some last minute preparation tips for all the students before they appear in the upcoming science board exam of class 10.
- Students must read the question paper attentively and carefully.
- During this time, students should primarily focus on the NCERT/CBSE books instead of mugging their heads in refreshers and other books.
- Make the notes in list format. This way, they will be easy to remember and revise during the exam time.
- Make separate list for all the important formulas and do the same for all important laws. Better yet, separate the list on chapter by chapter basis.
- If possible prepare flow charts at the end of every topic.
- Read attentively and understand the topic in depth.
- Presentation of the answer is one important aspect of examinations; hence, students must present their answer in neat and clean manner.
- By eating properly students can avoid unnecessary stress.
- Sleep should also be a part of student's study schedule and must not be skipped or compromised with.
- Positive thinking helps a lot during the exam time.
General Instructions
- Question paper will consist of two sections, A and B.
- All questions are compulsory to attempt.
- No internal choice will be provided in questions
- Questions in Section A and B need to be attempted separately.
Brainbuxa wishes all the students best of luck for their upcoming exams.
Tags: Cbse Exams
Cbse Board Exams
Class 10 Science Exam
Preparation Tips For Exam