There have been discussions to evolve the new education
policy which would integrate the teaching of ancient knowledge in different
subjects such as science, mathematics, peace, values and environmental education.
These have found their way into NCERT books.
This fact is startling as there were 33 themes proposed out
of which 13 mainly focused on different issues. These included learning
outcomes, vocational education, school examination systems, inclusive
education, and promotion of information & communication technology in
school. However, there was no mention of this theme.
Everybody is surprised as when discussion began for
regional-level, 10 themes were discussed including the one on ancient knowledge.
The ancient knowledge was to be introduced at regional level as there was no
recommendation at district-level, confirmed a senior official at NCERT. NCERT
director Hrushikesh Senapaty suggested that maybe at district-level it was
discussed resulting it into the course.
The apex national committee has also included this theme and
its policy will be finalized by 2016 confirmed a senior official of NCERT.
This theme suggests that we need to find out steps to
promote ancient Indian knowledge and explore it, especially searching out how
it can be mixed with the present system. We need to find out steps for
contribution of this theme in different subjects like peace, values, science,
mathematics and environment.
Tags: Ancient Knowledge
Current Syllabus
Education Policy