Blind School Donation exempt under section 80-g for Blind students is working for rehabilitation of blind, deaf & dumb and mentally retarted students since last 33 years in Suncity Jodhpur by providing free education with boarding and lodging facility separately for boys and Girls. The School was started on 15th August 1977 with only two blind students the number of which has gone to 403 at present out of which 101 are girls. The school is registered with Registrar of Societies, Govt. of Rajasthan Vide Regd. No. 436/1978-79 and is recognised by Department of Education, Government of Rajasthan upto 12th standard. This is the only institute for girls with hostel facility in Rajasthan. The school is up to senior secondary level for blind. All the teachers many of whom are even blind also are well trained and highly qualified. The results of 10th and 12th Board exams have always been maintained at 100% since beginning of school. The Students of the school have been awarded several times Medals and Prizes not only at National, State and District level but also at International level in the field of various Education, Sports and Music competitions.
At present we are having 247 children with us and many more blind children are in need of proper care & education. But we are unable to admit them because of shortage of school & hostel accommodation, additional play ground, additional teachers & helpers, study material & furniture etc. Financial help which we get from the state govt. is not sufficient to meet the expenditure of this institute. The respected donors are the only hope for us. So in this respect we request you to contribute generously with pleasant feeling & happy heart. It has its own constitution and also anyone giving help to this society will enjoy exemption from income tax under 80-G.
Vote for Thanks - Donate Us:
The N.V.S. (Blind School India) is doing progress day by day. This credit goes to our respected donors, social workers and all the staff of our organization. We wish/request to contribute generously with pleasant feeling and happy heart. It has its own constitution and also anyone giving help to this society will enjoy exemption from income tax under 80-G.
Send Us Donation Cheque/ DD in Favour of "NETRAHEEN VIKAS SANSTHAN".
Appeal For Donation To Viewers
As present we are having 247 blind children and 61 deaf & dumb and mentally retarded students with us. Many more blind children are in need of proper care & education, but we are unable to admit them because of shortage of school & hostel accommodation, additional play grounds, additional teachers & house keeping staff, furniture and other infrastructure facilities. It has its own constitution and also anyone giving help to this society will enjoy exemption from income tax under 80-G.
Financial help which we get from the state Government is not sufficient to meet the growing needs and expenditure of this Institute. The respected donors are the only hope for us to meet the gap. So we humbly request not only to contribute generously for upliftment of disabled persons but also to convince your nearer and dears to visit the Web Site and motivate them to contribute for this noble cause. Your support is also solicited in giving us suggestions for better running the NGO.
Notes to Editor
Postal Address:
D-Sector, Kamla Nehru Nagar
Jodhpur, Rajasthan, 342003 INDIA.
Mail Us: [email protected]
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Tags: Hostel Accommodation
Additional Play Grounds
Blind Students
Donation Request