Conference on Science Communication for Scientific Temper begins here tomorrow. Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) -National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources (NISCAIR), Vigyan Prasar and National Council for Science & Technology Communication (NCSTC), Department of Science & Technology (DST), Governmentr of India has organized it.
The three day congress will be presided by Dr P M Bhargava, Former Vice-Chairman, National Knowledge Commission and Justice Markandey Katju, Chairman, Press Council of India will be the Chief Guest. Besides distinguished delegates from India and abroad, the well known film maker Mahesh Bhatt will share his views on Scientific Temper during the inaugural session of the congress.
The Conference will host dance, music and art forms especially designed on the themes of Scientific Temper, International Peace and Development. Talks and discussions will be organized on subjects like communication through Indian languages , Science communication by print media in Kannada , Commonizing scientific temper: Challenges and opportunities in India , A study of science and faith in traditional medicinal system , Inculcating scientific temper through Thulir: Children’s science magazine in Tamil , Machine translations and communication , The mobilization of resources for science communication, Extension activities and development of ST , Extension activities and development of scientific temper , Blood donation and science awareness , Pledge for donation of posthumous body/organs & tissues to science, History of Science communication, Trends in Science Communication etc.
Tags: Conference
Science Communication