Delhi court issue orders to CBSE to re-evaluate the answer to the question which was asked in class 12th political science paper. The decision was made after student said "the Board was against revaluation despite verification of the answer sheet revealing that she has been marked wrongly."
CBSE said "a circular issued by it on May 24 allowed re-evaluation only in English core and elective, Hindi core and elective, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Business Studies, Economics and Accountancy."
Old judgment (2015)
Referring to an old judgment of the court in year 2015 Sanjeev Sachdeva said "bylaws stand on a much higher footing than circulars. Once re-evaluation has been permitted by the bylaws, the CBSE, by a circular, cannot restrict the right to only some subjects. The court also held that the CBSE cannot whittle down the aforesaid bylaw and, while prescribing the manner, also restrict the subjects in which re-evaluation can be sought."
The candidate has appeared in All India Secondary School Certificate Examination, 2016 and after the declaration of the marks she had doubts therefore applied for the verification and photocopy of the answer sheet only to found out that she has been awarded zero marks in the question she answered right.
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Tags: Cbse
Political Science
High Court
Answer Sheet