In order to avoid clashing with poll dates, the CBSE Board
has declared that the class 10 and 12 Board exams will be conducted from March
9 to April 29. 5 states are supposed to go to polls on 4th March and 8th March.
On one hand, about 16,67,573 candidates from Central Board of Secondary
Education have registered for the class 10 exams, which is an increase from
14,91,371 in 2016. On the other hand, 10,98,420 candidates have registered for
the class 12 exams, a hike from 10,65,179 in 2016.
As CBSE has decided to do away with the dual system from 2018, this will be the
last school-based exam for the students of class 10. 2018 onwards, there will
be only one public exam for students of class 10. Out of the 16,67,573 class 10
students, 7,82,863 students have opted for the school-based exam this year.
Chairman of CBSE, Mr. RK Chaturvedi, said that the declaration of results will not
be delayed as "the board has adopted several IT initiatives which will aid
in faster result processing."
While the class 10 exams will end on April 10, 2017, the class 12 exams will end
on April 29, 2017.
While the Board exams for class 12th will start with English, the next major
paper will be Physics on 15th March. Last year, the mathematics paper drew a
lot of flak and representations were made by people regarding the pattern of
the paper. There was news of paper leak also which was vehemently denied by the
Board. However, it has been decided by the Board that the difficulty level of
the paper will be brought down this year.
CBSE sources said that the paper has been redesigned in a way that it will now
have 80 per cent 'easy' and 'average' difficulty level questions. New pattern
will comprise of eight two-mark questions. Previously the questions were of
one, four and six marks. The mathematics paper will be held on 20th March.
Chemistry examination will be held on 25th March, whereas Accountancy and
Economics are scheduled for 29th March and 17th April respectively.
Tags: Cbse
Cbse Class 10 Exam Date
Cbse Class 12 Exam Date
Cbse Exams 2017