The results for CAT 2017 were declared by the IIL-Lucknow on Monday and declaration of results brought joy for some and not for many. As toppers were celebrating their first step to victory in the national level exam, many other are disappointed on the normalized/scaled scores. The scaling of the score is done by the IIM in order to ensure fairness and equality among all the candidates as questions in each slot does not carry the same difficulty level.
This was also the first time when the IIM released the answer key for the CAT exam and challenges were also invited from the students.
However, after the declaration of the results, any students were disappointed as the process of normalization ruined their scores and took their anger to twitter. Many were feeling that their years of hard went into drain because of normalization.
"I request IIML to kindly address the queries and doubts of students like me who see a major difference between their expected and actual CAT 2017 scores. Our only demand is to release our actual scores," tweeted a candidate.
Like this, there are many other candidates who took the twitter as this was the only way they could express their dissatisfaction with the results.
Students are now demanding that IIM Lucknow released the raw scores (score before the normalization process) and reveal the process of normalization. Now, let's see if IIM-L s kind enough to address the grievances of the students.
Tags: Cat 2017
Cat 2017 Results
Normalized Scores In Cat
Iim Lucknow