Shocked by the recent exam scam, Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) has tightened the security practices by introducing first of its kind security system which would link the students Adhaar number to the examination forms. By doing this the government can easily prevent the counterfeiting of the forms and other related documents.
The BSEB has already decided to implement the system in the upcoming compartmental examination in November this year. A separate field will be provided for Aadhaar number on the examination form from 2017.
The proposed system was made confirmed on Friday when the chairman of BSEB, Anand Kishore had a meeting with Ajay Bhushan Pandey, the director general of Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) regarding the linking of Aadhaar to the examination process in Patna.
Why only Adhaar?
- To prevail transparency during the processes of exams and authenticity of documents
- To curb scams in the exam
- To make sure no fake students sit for the exam
- To prevent the illegal practice of proxy attendance in the examination hall
"When the student will apply for examinations, they will have to specify their Aadhar card number. Those who do not have Aadhar card are requested to apply for the same in order to benefit from the new initiative of the BSEB," remarked Anand Kishore, Chairman of the BSEB.
"Whosoever failed to provide Aadhaar number will have to provide a valid reason before the school authority" he further added
Tags: Adhaar Card