And at last, the highly awaited second cut-off list of Delhi University has been released. Admission seekers in DU universities on Monday hurled a moan of alleviation with the second cutoff rundown recording a perish in the scope of 0.25-4 rate focuses contrasted with the first.
Larger part of the courses in the prominent colleges is presently open for admission from Tuesday. Be it BCom (H), financial aspects, physical science or math, the dunk in the cutoff will help hopefuls get confirmation in colleges of their decision both grounds and additionally off-grounds. Students and even universities have the termed rundown "sensible".
Cutoff for Economics (H), which was kept "irrationally" high in the first rundown, is open in every single North Campus colleges and other "famous" universities aside from Sri Venkateswara. Greater part of them kept financial matters cutoff at 95% or more. SRCC (98.25%), which couldn't fill the seats for general class in the first rundown, has diminished the cutoff by 0.50 rate point. Kirori Mal excessively cut it by 0.75. Economics is up for snatches at Hans Raj, LSR, Miranda House, Ramjas and numerous others.
BCom (H), another mainstream course, did not figure in SRCC's second rundown. However, the uplifting news is that it is open in numerous different colleges for general class students. BCom (H) is additionally open in Hindu, Hans Raj, LSR, Ramjas, Gargi, Sri Venkateswara, Kirori Mal, ARSD, Sri Aurobindo, Shyam Lal and Kamala Nehru, among others.
Indeed, even North Campus colleges have demonstrated a considerable reduction in their shorts. In Hindu, for occasion, subjects like theory and BSc physical science with science have demonstrated a plunge by 3 rate focuses, while there is a 2.5 rate point drop from the first cutoff in the event of BA system. At Kirori Mal, the cutoff for science has dropped by 1.5% point and English cutoff by 1.25% point.
While lion's share of the science courses are open for admissions in the second cutoff, the courses which are shut in this rundown are history, political science, humanism and geology.
Physics, one of the mainstream science courses, is still open in six grounds colleges and in more than twelve others. At Gargi, Physics is open at 95%, while at 96% it is open in Ramjas, Miranda House and Sri Venkateswara.
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Delhi University Admission
Du Second Cut Off