GATE is one of the most popular exams taken by UG students in India for admission into master's degree programmes in a number of colleges across the country. Here is a list of the most prevalent myths about this exam that have been busted along:
Myth No. 1 - It is a very tough National Level Examination
The first most popular myth about the GATE Exam is that it is a hard nut to crack. But quite contrarily, GATE is a highly conceptual examination that tests your subject based preparation rather than delving deeper into levels tough like rocket science! The only possible source of this particular myth could be unprepared students because naturally the exam is going to be hard if you are ill-equipped with knowledge.
Besides, it depends upon the candidate's thoroughness as to how much will be his score. If you've understood the concepts of your subject well, have practiced enough and have devoted enough time to your preparation, you'll find GATE like every other exam you've been giving previously.
Myth No. 2 - You need to solve every paper that ever existed!
You don't have to solve tons of practice papers for the exam, more importantly, you should focus on retaining maximumÃÃÂ portion of your course. Memorizing the basic concepts, formulas and theories is equally essential as practicing as GATE can question you on the most basic level of your subject. The questions that might pop up in the examination can often be tricked to have very simple concept based answers. So for GATE it is quite essential to keep a check upon the concepts that you might be missing in the long run.
Myth No. 3 - All study, no play!
Another awkward myth about the exam says that candidates need to soak their heads deep into books and not even look up! Well, like any other exam, GATE too doesn't expect you to completely depart with your refreshments and life outside the study zone. Make a point to take a break from studies when you get fully saturated. After consistently studying for a long time, take a rejuvenating break to lift up your spirits again!
Even if you are preparing for the GATE exam, you need to calm yourself. At the end of a day when you've studied hard, treat yourself with a movie or your favourite pizza!
Myth No. 4 - Attempt all/maximum questions to gain a good score
Another grave misconception about the exam, this myth is a big dufus since GATE has negative marking for each wrong answer that you give. So be fully prepared that pretty guesses will not fetch you marks! Every wrong answer will take away a fraction of what you've scored out of your correct answers. It is most prudent not to try your hands on those questions which are absolutely alien to your understanding.
Myth No. 5 - Candidates need to study 'ALL' the subjects of their UG!
Another greatly prevalent myth about GATE is that the entrants appearing for this exam require covering each and every subject and topic of their under graduation, a notion which is absolutely wrong.
In order to drive away all the speculations and confusion regarding the topics to be covered, GATE formulates its own list of topics or syllabus that the candidates need to follow. Candidates should rather stick strictly to the syllabus provided by the exam as all the questions asked are covered within it only. In addition to this, the aspirants should solve ten-year papers so as to get the best idea about the format and topics most asked.
Gate 2017
Gate Exam Tips
Gate Exam Preparation
Gate Exam Myths