The state of Jharkhand which has been often criticized and hauled up for its lacklustre performance in the education sector has devised an innovative step to ensure the quality of education being imparted in schools. Jayant Mishra, the district superintendent of education (DSE) based at Ranchi has issued a truly remarkable order in this regard.
He has planned to introduce a new programme in primary and secondary schools where the teachers too will sit for monthly evaluator tests besides their students. The teachers will be assessed and examined on different parameters just like their students in order to maintain the standard of the state of education in schools.
According to Mishra, as per rule, schools are bound to conduct monthly Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) for students of Class I to Class VIII which is often not being followed diligently by school authorities. According to the existing norms of CCE, a student must be assessed in two different ways namely, the academic performance based on the syllabus and the behavioural pattern based on attendance and discipline.
In order to absolve the crisis, the education department has prepared a monthly syllabus to be followed in schools for which the guidelines have been supplied accordingly to the respective school authorities. The teachers will be conducting classes based on the given syllabus and after the completion of every month they will submit a report stating the details of the academics taught in the meanwhile which will also include the conduction of the monthly CCE.
Interestingly, the details of the syllabus will be supplied to the teachers along with a form that will include the minute details of their daily routine which they have to fill up religiously on a persistent basis. Around 3500 teachers belonging to primary and secondary government schools are expected to receive aforesaid orders and the new syllabus within a short span of time.
Mishra harps that the step has been taken not only to ensure the quality of learning the students get but also the quality of teaching that is imparted to the students by their teachers. In the form, the teachers have to fill up their daily activities in school with utmost scrutiny and credibility. The details will include the number of classes taken in a day as well as the daily study that was conducted by the teacher. The education authorities are eager to know what do the teachers do in the six hours they are intended to spend in school as well as how and what they are teaching their students.
“We want to ensure that the students are graded and evaluated properly through CCE for which the teachers must conduct the tests regularly and faithfully for the progress of the students,” said Mishra while talking about the intentions of the education department.
Mishra said that he hopes that this initiative will help to improve the state of affairs in the government schools as it will give more impetus to sustained learning on a persistent basis. The crackdown on teachers is to make them more dedicated and responsible to their job of nurturing and educating the nation’s future generations.
Evaluation Tests
Education Department
Government Schools