The demand for higher education in India is huge and rapidly growing and universities have the unique role to work closely with the young minds. University level education has purpose and role of universities in shaping India's future is a necessity for the future generation and to achieve the dreamed goal. Education plays a vital part in shaping our future. Education is not only the theories, concepts or principles but significantly it is a way to live life. And, Indian universities can change the definition of way to live life.
Universities working as an economic driver:
Colleges and universities are the economic drivers in their surrounding community or society, and their powerful impact on the wide range has been growing dynamically. Few of them managed their role and responsibilities in economic development, but still they are not up to the mark. We need strategic approaches for the colleges and universities to access the regional economy. Indian universities can enhance the economic future through a wide range of targeted initiatives like basic research, development of infrastructure and providing the jobs that catalyzes and support the surrounding business.
Ensures the cluster development:
No doubt, higher education takes an important and significant role in our economy, and the future of our universities and colleges are inexorably attached to their communal growth. University leaders need to understand the art of our economic structure, mainly where the colleges and universities can contribute. The process behind the role of universities in shaping India's future has shifted over last two decades from top down model to shared model involving government, business, companies, state, local and other institutions. These higher education institutions can take a leadership role that ensures the cluster development of public and private collaboration in executing the economical growth of India.
Role in jobs creation:
According to an academic survey, just one third of jobs in colleges are faculty and rest of them are supported staffs and administrative position holders, but universities can train and recruit the job seekers from local labor pools and that meets the demand of labor and improve the living standards of local residents. Moreover, substantial purchasing power can be added to the role of universities in shaping India's future. Approximately, half of their budgets are used for procurement of services and goods. This power can be used to intensify the development of local vendors and their economical growth. Small steps such as purchase process to make it more responsive to local vendors can have a wide impact and national firms in joint venture with local vendors can be extremely effective to upgrade the local economy on a large scale.
Helping to create tomorrow's future:
Universities and colleges are in the position to develop the tomorrow's workforce by educating students and the role of universities can be extended beyond the traditional academic programs. They have a crucial role in the development of modern technology and intensify its commercialization using the cluster model. Colleges and universities are able to conduct the research of labor supply and demand, and they can enhance the regional job growth and similarly economical development of whole India. Also, universities can contribute energy and vision to enhance economical prosperity for long term prospects.