Academic writing can take a lot out of the students. Deep research, command over the language, clear and concise thought process are all the requirements from the students’ side to excel in the art of academic writing. An extremely demanding and complex art, academic writing can make or break the grades for any student. Due to its high scoring nature, the students can’t afford to neglect the significance of academic writing.
From their decades of experience in academic writing a team of experts , legit essay writing service has come out with a few tips for the students that would help them excel at the art of academic writing –
The entire purpose of academic writing is to put forward your thoughts and findings. Therefore, you must write in a language that is easily understandable to the readers. Choosing the appropriate vocabulary can certainly do the trick in your academic writing assignment. On the other hand, using lesser known words just to boast about your exceptional vocabulary would do no good to your final grades. An easy to read paper is always the one which gets rewarded the most.
Moving away from the given topic and going with the flow is one of the most common mistakes committed by the students. You must always keep the given topic in mind and form your answer around it. If you fail to do so, apart from weakening your answer, you would also overhaul the given word limit which would further hurt your grades. Pre-planning your write up is essential due to the same reason.
The most difficult part of the write up is to strike the correct balance between swaying away and following a narrow approach by sticking to a single line of thought. Neither of the two extremes is desirable. You must learn to introduce transition in your write up. Apt usage of transition phrases / words such as ‘However’, ‘Therefore’, ‘Resultantly’, are of utmost importance. These words help the students introduce multiple points of views in the essay which greatly diversify the essay and leave a positive impression over the examiner.
- Redundancy is a big no no!
Redundancy of information in a write up is extremely undesirable. Even if it is unintentional, it fails to leave a good impression over the examiner. It highlights lack of knowledge on the part of the student and gives an impression that the student wants to eat up space just by reiterating the already mentioned information. Your must ensure that you stay away from redundancy and check for the repeat of information as well while proofreading your write up.
While presenting any argument, it is always advisable to take the middle path rather than walking on the extremes. You can describe both sides of the story and try to conclude with a mixed response rather than showing strong inclination towards any one side.