This Wednesday witnessed the event of Delhi University’s Vice Chancellor Dinesh Singh’s surprise visit to four renowned colleges of Delhi. The aforesaid colleges of the south campus where he paid visits were Lady Shri Ram College, Deshbandhu College, Ramanujan College and Acharya Narendra Dev College.
Ironically, when Singh paid similar surprise visits to colleges last year, they turned out to be raids rather than instances of glee and celebration for the college authorities. Bhagini Nivedita College bore the brunt of his ire as he later wrote to the college authorities after his visit where he mentioned that the college needs to alleviate its standards while the college authority must get its acts together to assist the cause.
This time however, he dished out one time grants of 5 Lakh rupees each for Lady Shri Ram College, Deshbandhu College and Ramanujan College respectively besides allowing them to start and develop ‘incubation centres’ which will be aimed at the intrinsic development of the students through innovation and original thinking in their respective subjects.
On the other hand, Acharya Narendra Dev College received some words of praise from Singh. He appreciated their overall progress besides hailing the steady management of the college.
At Lady Shri Ram College, Singh arrived just in time to attend the college’s orientation programme where he announced about the initial contribution of Rs. 5 Lakh for the college’s assistance. After announcing the financial contribution he also jokingly added, “Perhaps you can make the air-conditioning system a little better.” Singh also said, “We will grant the shaping up of an incubation system in Lady Shri Ram College by assisting with financial contributions in the next two months.”
The incubation centres are being set up in order to provide a platform for students to express, test and develop their entrepreneurial skills and ideas further. Besides Lady Shri Ram, Deshbandhu and Ramanujan Colleges too will be sharing one such centre each. Singh said, “In these incubation centres, you can bring in your innovative idea and give form to them. Instead of looking for jobs, you can be the ones to provide jobs through such ideas.
While talking about other issues, Singh encouraged the students to take up extra-curricular activities so that they can earn for themselves much sought extra credits that will be beneficial for them. He also said that indulgence in such activities will never cause much of a problem with one’s attendance. In Acharya Narendra Dev College he even urged the students to participate in DU’s annual cultural event Antardhvani.
Singh’s tour was also aimed at gauging the response of the four-year undergraduate programme (FYUP) which has been introduced in this year. Some of the students though complained to him regarding the course saying that they did not understand the intention and use of adding an extra year to the course and that too studying the minor subjects rather than the majors.
Singh said that his step to assist the colleges financially was in order to show support towards the colleges which he felt had made robust progress over the recent times. He expects them to continue with their good work and make them feel that DU is beside them to endorse their proceedings.
Delhi University
Financial Contributions
Ideas Further