Education system in India is divided into different levels such as pre-primary level, primary level, secondary education, elementary education, undergraduate level and postgraduate level. The NCERT (National Council of Educational Research and Training) is the peak body for programs related to school education in India. The above body functions in providing support and technical assistance to many schools in India and enforces education policies for a better future. Primary education is the first stage of compulsory education.
An outlook on Primary Education
Both private and government schools offer primary education and students studying are usually aged between 5 to 12 years. It is also termed as Elementary Education. Private schools provide paid education whereas government schools render it for free. This form of education system is one of the fundamental rights in India and at international level it caters to be one of the Millennium Development Goals. States recognize primary education as a serious input for employment, jobs and human capital development along with economic growth. Many financial and technical resources are addressed through this education.
History of Education
Education in India has a history meandering back to the ancient urban centers of knowledge at Nalanda and Taxila. With the establishment of British in India, western education became popular. Today education falls under the control of both Union Government and the state governments. Education has been announced as one of the permanent and essential fundamental rights for every human being. Approximately two-thirds of the population falls under the literacy rate of primary education and is cited as one of the major contributors of economic augments in India.
The goals of primary education include basic knowledge and skills among all pupils, establishing foundations in geography, science, mathematics, history and social sciences. This form of education is given to children in order to have steadiness in mind to move forward to higher levels.
Functions of Primary Education
Children placed in primary classes are assigned one teacher who will be assisting them on various degrees especially on quality education. Continuity with a single teacher gives the opportunity to build a close relationship and it is the most remarkable feature of primary education.
Regions Supporting Primary Education
States and Union Territories supporting this education theory from 1st to 5th standard are Arunachal Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, Andhra Pradesh, Delhi, Orissa, Punjab, Manipur, Chandigarh, Bihar and Yanam regions of Pondicherry. States and Union Territories following 1st to 4th classes of primary education are Goa, Gujarat, Assam, Nagaland, Mizoram, Kerala, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Dadra, Daman & Diu and Mahe region of Pondicherry.
The challenges
India continues to face challenges in education. Till today primary education suffers from substantial gaps comprising of high pupils but low teachers, lack of infrastructure and poor levels of teaching. One has to be aware of providing all levels of education to his or her child for a better understanding of the world around. For, education is not only books, it is also a window to see the world.