Type Govt
Industry Health & Family Welfare
Founded 2013
Address Director (NHM-II)
National Health Mission
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare,
Room No. 305-D,Nirman Bhawan,
New Delhi - 110011
No of employees:
The Union Cabinet vide its decision dated 1st May 2013 has approved the launch of National Urban Health Mission (NUHM) as a Sub-mission of an over-arching National Health Mission (NHM), with National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) being the other Sub-mission of National Health Mission.
NHM has six financing components:
(i) NRHM-RCH Flexipool,
(ii) NUHM Flexipool,
(iii) Flexible pool for Communicable disease,
(iv) Flexible pool for Non communicable disease including Injury and Trauma,
(v) Infrastructure Maintenance and
(vi) Family Welfare Central Sector component.
Within the broad national parameters and priorities, states would have the flexibility to plan and implement state specific action plans. The state PIP would spell out the key strategies, activities undertaken, budgetary requirements and key health outputs and outcomes.
The State PIPs would be an aggregate of the district/city health action plans, and include activities to be carried out at the state level. The state PIP will also include all the individual district/city plans. This has several advantages: one, it will strengthen local planning at the district/city level, two, it would ensure approval of adequate resources for high priority district action plans, and three, enable communication of approvals to the districts at the same time as to the state.
The fund flow from the Central Government to the states/UTs would be as per the procedure prescribed by the Government of India.
The State PIP is approved by the Union Secretary of Health & Family Welfare as Chairman of the EPC, based on appraisal by the National Programme Coordination Committee (NPCC), which is chaired by the Mission Director and includes representatives of the state, technical and programme divisions of the MoHFW, national technical assistance agencies providing support to the respective states, other departments of the MoHFW and other Ministries as appropriate.
Forward Linkages Scheme to NRHM in NE : With a view to complement & supplement the initiatives under the NRHM for improving the Secondary/Tertiary level and Other health infrastructure in the north eastern region, the Forward Linkage Scheme to NRHM was introduced in the 11th Plan (to be financed form likely saving from other Health schemes). This scheme has been continued in the 12th Plan. The Forward Linkages Scheme is fully funded by the Central Government. The projects sent by the state are appraised and for the approved projects, funds are released by the Ministry.