Google, the Best Search Engine
What makes Google so big & popular? Larry page and Sergey Brin started Google in the year 199...
What makes Google so big & popular? Larry page and Sergey Brin started Google in the year 199...
In the Google sixth science fair, two Indians and four other teenager of Indian-origin were selected as finalist for the USD $50000 scholarship. Who are the finalists? Fatima, 15, a student of Sadhu...
In order to promote digital literacy in different parts of India, constant initiatives are being taken by the government to increase level of education in rural areas as well. Recently, the Goa gover...
IIT-Kharagpur recently witnessed a visit from Google CEO Sunder Pichai and he interacted with the students on various subjects, including his success mantras. The event 'A journey back to the past to...
Technology giant, Google, announced a new educational program for the children, which is designed to teach kids about how to be safe on internet and prevent themselves from phishing, internet harassme...
Google recently joined the hands with the NCERT in order to integrate a course on digital citizenship and safety in the ICT (Information and communication technology) curriculum.The idea behind the co...