The international mathematical Olympiad is a stage where nerdy teenage boys show their talent to solve the problems. However, this year, for the first time in quarter of a century two girls made it to the Math Olympiad, which the oldest and toughest international math competition.
The contest will start next week in the Rio de Janerio, where 17 year old Rosie Cates from Cambridge will participate in the six-strong UK team. The other female participant is Naomi Wei, who is also 17 year old and is from London. She is one of the four reserves.
“This year is likely to be peak UK for some time,” said the UK team leader, Geoff Smith. Geroge has been monitoring the progress of the Kate for a year who is trying to improve and bring more girls in the world of Math. Currently, girls make up only 10% of all the competitors.
According to some theories, teenage girls of Kate's age are emotionally mature and therefore, are more engaged in social groups and friends whereas boys of the same age may have more introvert nature and might find an escape in the tough problems of math.
As one commentator put it “Some of the boys who are really good are well-grounded, normal human beings with normal interests and friendships. But it's true that some of the boys taking part are socially withdrawn and a small number are on the autistic spectrum. In order to do math, it is unnecessary to have any emotional maturity. You just need to be able to reason”.
Tags: Imo
International Mathematical Olympiad
World's Toughest Math Competition
Girls In Imo