Silver Oaks, school from Hyderabad, will be inaugurated by Professor Pankaj Chandra, Director IIM Bangalore, in the city on May 25, 2013, on Sarjapur Road. The school will be affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education and implement International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme from PPI to Grade V in the first academic year. It features the best in category of teacher to student ratio with 1 teacher for every 25 students with teachers being certified by IB and various national and international universities. Infrastructure facilitates widescreen computers with high speed internet in every classroom, Transport, Sporting areas and more.
After establishing a legacy of wisdom at Hyderabad, Silver Oaks School is set to foray into Bengaluru, bringing its expert knowledge in the field of education. The learning process focuses on 'thinking, concepts and connections.' Designing the curriculum with dynamic knowledge in a global context and directing the learners towards a knowledge destiny has been the consistent focus at Silver Oaks. With an inside out approach on character first and competence next the goal is to 'groom contributors to the society than just consumers'.
Dhanunjaya, Director of Silver Oaks said "We will continue our commitment to good education which we have imparted for more than a decade in Hyderabad. The infrastructure here is on 5 acres of land with a 50000 sqft of built up area and meets international Standards". With 11 years of consistent development and image as one of the best CBSE and IBPYP School in Hyderabad, Silver Oaks is ready to create an eco system for inspired learning in Bengaluru. Silver Oaks Bengaluru, will start with Nursery to Grade V for the first year.
Silver Oaks, a school which hosts a one-of-its-kind Centre for Research and Cognitive Learning at their Hyderabad Campus is gaining the attention of Universities and Schools in UK, Australia and also from CBSE and some Indian universities.
The physical environment of Silver Oaks Bengaluru has been diligently designed to elicit the best out of emotional, social, intellectual and creative domains of a learner.
Speaking to the gathering, Seetha Murty, Director of Education at Silver Oaks said, "Silver Oaks' primary stronghold is its vibrant teaching team. The teachers are continuous learners through training programs of IBO and courses from Harvard University and many Indian Universities. With the support of the strong faculty, one day we hope to see our acorns leading the society, country and generating values and employment."
Infrastructure to groom competent sports stars, environment to groom socially and emotionally positive people and people who will nurture the young people with character and competence,
Silver Oaks is ready to extend their good practices to the city of Bengaluru.
With its main focus on the quality of education imparted to its students, the school management believes that apart from improving the quality of education, the overall education system is set to change in India and they want to lead the change from front.
Notes to Editor
About Silver Oaks
With 11 years of consistent development and image as one of the best CBSE and IBPYP School in Hyderabad, Silver Oaks is ready to create an eco system for inspired learning in Bengaluru. There are about 2000 students and nearly 160 passionate teachers who lend spirit to the school. To make international teaching as inclusive education, Silver Oaks earned the image of the only private school that charges the lowest fee in the world for an international program of education. Exemplary achievements of students as nation builders and toppers in CBSE Board exams reinforce the convictions of Silver Oaks.
Tags: Silver Oaks