During the Question Hour at the Lok Sabha, HRD minister Javadekar
pointed out that under the Swacch Vidyalaya initiative over 4, 17, 796 toilets
were constructed across 2, 61,400 elementary and secondary government schools within
12 months from August 2014 to ensure separate toilet facilities for school
children. He mentioned that about 13.58 crore children in 11.08 lakh government
schools presently have access to gender specific toilets.
He also added that the States
and Union territories have been instructed to ensure that all schools in the
region, be it government or private, need to ensure gender specific toilets for
kids, along with ample and safe drinking water at the premises.
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), a programme for ensuring universality of
elementary education in the country, started in 2001. Out of the sanctioned
3.64 lakh new elementary schools to be constructed, 3.59 have been completed, housing
18.41 new classrooms. On the hygiene front, water facilities to the tune of
2.41 lakhs have been installed and 10.34 lakh school toilets have been built.
Recruitment has also been good with 15.47 lakh teacher vacancies filled from
the total open vacancies of 19.48 lakh, till June 2016.
He said among the 51, 81,791 sanctioned posts of teachers, 42,74,206 posts
have been filled. However, 17.51% of the sanctioned posts, totaling 9,07,585
vacancies under the program still remain open.
Tags: Swachh Vidyalaya
Toilets In Govt. Schools
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan