21st century is the century of revolution. Thanks to advancement of science and technology that no sector remains untouched especially, education sector. Today MOOCS (massive open online courses) aims at teaching the students from around the world with the help of simple computer and internet connection. Students can participate and learn from best teachers around the world. Read below to find out how technology is breaking borders and what holds next for education sector.
Learning Management System (LMS)
In coming days many students will start using LMS which will not only archive what students are learning but will also keep track of their progress report, how creative they are and how they research and work together. Basically, it is software that will track the learning needs of the individual child.
SIRI style teaching assistants
High quality lectures from the world's best teachers are already available on the internet and that too, for free. But the days of traditional teachers delivering the lecture online will soon be over as the next revolution would be SIRI style teaching assistants which help in learning anytime and anywhere.
Education and VR
Giant IT companies like Google and Samsung are already investing billions of dollars in developing the applications for Virtual Reality technology. Using VR topics can be learned in real time which will make learning significantly faster and easier.
Artificial Intelligence
Artificially intelligent toys and counselors will help teachers to work with children with special needs. In fact, such toys are already helping children with ADHD and Autism in learning quicker, better and faster.
Tags: Education Technology Insights
Education Technology News
Education Technology