According to Karnataka's medical education minister, Sharanprakash Patil, Raichur is the state government's first choice for the proposed IIT in the state of Karnataka. The Government has gone ahead and earmarked a 400 acre area in the city for the purpose of setting up the premier institute.
The state remains confident that the central Government would soon come onboard with the idea.
The land is located 3 "“ 5 km from the city and lies on the way to Yadgir. The minister said, "It'll be an ideal location as it has highway connectivity, water facilities and greenery,''
The state's CM recently said that the state would put forward the names of Hubballi-Dharwad, Raichur and Mysuru to the Central government. Patil said, "Representatives of Hyderabad-Karnataka region have also joined hands to bat for Raichur,'
Sources say that Raichur was given preference due to political and regional issues. The CM has recently been accused of being 'anti north Karnataka'.
Patil remains confident that Raichur would emerge as the final choice of the Central Government.
Tags: Iit Karnataka
Sharanprakash Patil
Karnataka Government