In an attempt to develop an online registration system for the First Information Report (FIR) for the Indian Railways, various groups of young students will compete against each other in Smart Indian Hackathon 2018, which will be conducted in Udaipur on March 30 and 31.
For the competition, around 296 participants have been selected through countrywide screening process.
The main problem with the reported FIR is that when the crime is committed in railway premises it usually takes some time to sort out the jurisdiction especially when the crime takes place on a moving train.
So, the challenge for the students is to develop a solution which takes into account all the variable data and serves a solution to the problem.
Another problem which the passengers face is a regarding hearing the announcements on the railway platforms. Many passengers miss the announcements due to ambient noise. For this, Indian Railway is looking for a solution which can send the notifications on the passenger's electronic device in real time.
Tags: Indian Railways
Online Fir Registration
Hackathon 2018