CBSE class 12, 2017, results are due and can be declared by the CBSE board any moment of the day. The exams and result of class 12 are very important as they make the path for the upcoming college years. There is no doubt that the results of class 12 are important but needless to say, it is also true that they don’t define your life. Stressing before the exam results is not good and will do no good, neither to you nor to your health. Stress takes away the ability to think clearly and becomes a hindrance in your planning for the coming future.
Below are some things which students can try to keep the stress away as they await their results of class 12.
- This is only the beginning of your career. Board results may have a small role in career building but you are the determining factor. After few years no one will care how much you scored in your class 12, but what would matters is how you did after the results.
- When stressing, try meditation, There is no better way restrain the mind from jumping here and there than doing meditation.
- Do not compare. Comparison is a waste of energy. Instead of wasting that energy use it to build yourself may be a new or different career.
- Stop overthinking as overthinking is one of the primal causes for the stress. Go with the flow and enjoy the day.
Remember, more than your result can your wild and uncontrolled imagination is ruining your day right now.
Tags: Cbse Class 12 Result 2017
Board Results 2017
Class 12 Results 2017
Cbse Results 2017