After inaugurating the Bihar Entrepreneurs meet "Startup Bihar" 2017, Chief Minister Nitish Kumar said "tomorrow on the occasion of state's Foundation Day celebrations, his ambitious program to provide free Wi-Fi facilities in colleges and universities will be launched."
He said, "The program of providing free Wi-Fi facilities in all colleges and universities is going to start from tomorrow." Providing free Wi-Fi service in universities and colleges is one resolve of good governance under Chief Minister Nitish Kumar.
Requirement of Wi-Fi
"It's an era of internet and youth need it to download knowledge materials. So, the government has decided to provide free Wi-Fi facilities to all colleges and universities of the state," the Chief Minister said. He also said that in order to help young entrepreneurs in starting their venture the government of Bihar has taken several initiatives."Incubation center is being established in different educational
institutions in the state to help young entrepreneurs," he said.
Industries Minister Jai Kumar Singh and Chief Secretary Anjani Kumar
Singh also attended the function.
Startup in Bihar
Any entity incorporated or registered in Bihar no more than 5 years ago and has an annual not exceeding INR 25 cr. in any preceding financial year and is working towards innovation, development, deployment or commercialization of new products, processes or services driven by technology or intellectual rights is knows as a startup.
Tags: Education In Bihar
Free Wi-Fi In College
Internet In Colleges
Bihar Entrepreneurs Meet Bihar Entrepreneurs Meet