The demand for the English medium schools has risen sharply in the recent times in the city of Mumbai. The enrollment in the English medium schools has risen by 3.6 lakh. Between 2013 and 2016 city witnessed the establishment of 627 new English medium schools.
The rise in the schools indicates that parents prefer to send their children to the English medium schools.
But this rise has hit the vernacular schools especially Marathi-medium schools. During the above mentioned period, as many 35 Marathi-medium schools were shut down and enrollment in these schools was decreased by 83,000.
The enrollment in the Urdu-medium schools went down by 25,000.
The officials said "the loss of vernacular-medium schools was the gain of English-medium ones. These days parents are more inclined to get their children admitted to English-medium schools. There is a perception that children in English schools have better prospects".
According to the teachers, the lack of secondary section in the regional schools is another reason for their downfall. “For instance, it becomes difficult for students to switch from Tamil to Marathi or English after Class V. So parents start off with English in the first place,” said a principal of a suburban Tamil school.
Tags: English Medium Schools
English Medium Schools In Mumbai
Education In Mumbai