From the past four years, schools in Meghalaya are observing high dropout rate and as of now almost 1 lakh students have quit the schools. Meghalayan government in state assembly informed that factors such as economic condition of the family, domestic sibling and migrations are responsible for high drop rates in Meghalayan schools.
Education and Literacy Minister Deborah C Marak told the Assembly, "The main causes of dropouts are the economic condition of the parents, lack of success due to small habitation, poor teaching, domestic and sibling care and migration.''
The minister also said that "special training centers have been set up in order to bring them back to school and efforts are on to wean them back through various programs and initiatives."
Steps taken to prevent the dropout rate
- A program has been launched in order to try and improve the quality of education and teachers and flexible timings for the training centers have also been introduced to help children who cannot attend the school during day time.
- She also said that training modules have also been translated into local languages for improved teaching and learning experience.
The minister said "West Khasi Hills district registered 4508 number of children who dropped out of school followed by Jaintia Hills district having 1440 dropouts and Ri-bhoi district having 1041 dropouts. Efforts are also being taken to create community awareness wherein the parents and the community as a whole are made aware of the importance of education for the future of every child."
Tags: Meghalaya Schools
Students Dropping Out Of Schools.
Students Quitting Schools