Several private schools in Delhi, which are violating the RTE Act, have been ordered by the AAP government to stop their educational activities from the net academic session i.e. 2018-19.
The government also released an official order which notified all the societies/trusts/agencies/organizations or individuals which are running unrecognized schools to discontinue their educational activities. The order also warned that if they fail to comply with the order, a strict action will be initiated against them.
"It has come to our notice that several unrecognised private schools are functioning without obtaining the mandatory certificate of recognition from appropriate authority which is in violation of the Right to Education Act," an official order by the Directorate of Education (DoE) said.
The government also asked the parent to admit their ward only in the recognized schools because admitting the child in unrecognized school can jeopardize their academic future.
Tags: Unrecognizd Schools In Delhi
Education In Delhi
Aap Government
Rte Act 2009