According to the new orders from the center, every child with special needs will get free education till the age of 18 years and the states have been asked by the HRD to introduce necessary changes in the exam pattern and curriculum to accommodate such children and their needs into the system.
According to the reports from HT, such provisions could include extra time to complete the exam, facility of scribe or amanuensis and exemption from second and third language course.
Also, referring to the Rights of Persons with Disability (RPwD) Act, HRD ministry asked the head of the state education departments to ensure that the schools within their jurisdiction have classrooms which supports conducive learning so that children with special needs can study with others.
The decision was taken after receiving the complaints most of which said that the schools have been denying the admission to the children with special needs despite the clear provision in the RPwD Act for such children.
"The appropriate government and local authorities shall ensure that every child with benchmark disability has access to free education in an appropriate environment till he attains the age of eighteen years in a special school or inclusive neighbourhood schools as per his choice," the ministry said a recent communication to the states, referring to the RPwD Act provisions which provide for it.
The ministry also asked the states to employ teachers training institute for the teachers with special needs.
Tags: Free Education
Free Education For Children With Special Needs
Special Provisions For Children With Special Needs
Children With Speical Needs