Civic schools in Mumbai were reopened last month and over 5000 students have already been treated at the Brihanmunbai Municipal Corporation's school clinics, including surgeries on five students. School's clinics were also set up in government hospitals to treat students with serious health conditions.
"On an average, we screen at least 1.5 lakh students a day," said the official. In the last one year, more than 35, 000 students were treated for visual imparity, heart ailment, and skin deficiency.
"Until last year, each student was screened once in two years but since this year, we have started screening them once a year," said Padmaja Keskar, Executive Health Officer, BMC.
Performance overview of BMC
- Over 34,000 students have availed medical facilities under BMC school health programme
- To identify anaemia condition, heart ailments, and impair vision, BMC conducts preventive screening for the school's students
- The aim and objective of the BMC is to provide medical facilities to students coming from the economically weaker section
- As per BMC officials, the health facilities programme has been running in schools for over 40 years now
Tags: Bmc
Civic School