Various state boards have started releasing the results for the board exams and soon the admissions in various undergraduate courses in various colleges and universities of the nation will commence.
In an attempt to safeguard the students from various fake universities, which are operational in the nation, the UGC has released a list containing the names of the fake universities.
“Students and public at large are informed that at present following 24 self-styled and unrecognized institutions are functioning in contravention of the UGC Act in various parts of the country,” a notice issued by the UGC read.
“These universities have been declared as fake and are not entitled to confer any degrees,” it added.
Of these various universities following fake universities are functioning in Delhi:
- Commercial University
- United Nations University
- Vocational University
- ADR-Centric Juridical University
- Indian Institution of Science and Engineering
- Viswakarma Open University for Self-employment
- Adhyatmik Vishwavidyalaya
- Varanaseya Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya
Last year too, UGC released a list of fake universities which included Maithili University/Vishwavidyalaya, Darbhanga (Bihar), Varanaseya Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya, Varanasi (UP), Commercial University Ltd Daryaganj (New Delhi), United Nations University, Delhi and Vocational University, Delhi.
Tags: Ugc
List Of Fake Universities
Fake Universities
Fake Universities In Delhi
Fake Universities In India