Every exam story goes like this-Tick tock, mind block, pen stop, eyes pop, full shock, jaw drop, time up! The dictionary states that EXAM is an ‘official test that shows your knowledge or ability in a particular subject’, and therefore it becomes an inevitable part of our lives right from the time we turn 3 and thereafter, the world thinks we are strong enough to undertake something that illustrates what we are capable of by showcasing the knowledge.
The truth lies in the fact that it is not the exams that make students apprehensive, but it is the results of those exams. The very thought ‘Oh God! I wish I score well’ is something that causes anxiety. Here are some simple and handy tips to overcome the anxiety of exam results:
Believe in ‘do your best and leave the rest’
One must always work hard before the exams and give his/her best shot during it. Wasting away time and energy worrying about the result fetches no good on the report card. Hence, relying on ‘do your best and leave the rest’ works well.
The circle of exam continues
There is never going to be an end to the circle of exams, so the best thing to do when you are done with the exams is to enjoy and pamper yourself for the immense effort that you put in (if you did!) instead of feeling tensed about the result that is not even in your control.
Systematic study helps
Studying the topics/chapters on the same day when they are taught to you in the class is the key mantra to quick and easy learning. If procrastinated, even the simplest things appear tough and complex. Once you think of picking up any new topic a night before your exams, you will be left with no choice but to rot learn it and hence, that lowers your confidence while writing your exam and thereafter turns a panic trigger when you are expecting your results.
Engage yourself in productive activities
There usually happens to be break/vacations after you give your exams and before the result are out. Try engaging yourself in some/any productive activity like pursuing your passion, learning new things, practicing a sport etc. Involvement in such activities will keep your mind engrossed and away from the anxiety of exam results.
‘Results’ scare everybody out. So try implementing any of the aforesaid tips and tricks to keep yourself calm and to avoid the anxiety of exam results. Wipe away the negatively of poor result from your head and instead, be an optimistic as Wade Boggs once remarked ’A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst and it sparks extraordinary results’.
Success is never determined by the result but by the efforts put in so keep working hard and don’t worry about the results as having anxiety about exam results gives nothing but frowns on the forehead. So stay chill!
If there is anything else that helps you kick out your exams’ anxiety, do let us know in the comments below!