In the life of a student, examinations play a very important role as they determine the learning ability of the student. During recent times, there have been an enormous number of amendments done in the examination patterns. Out of them the most important one is associated with the information that is provided by the students in their examination sheets.
Earlier, the students used to give make them to write their full name, parent’s name, date of birth, roll number etc. in their answer sheets. However, this practice has been changed by the HRD ministry of India as it leads to a great degree of unfairness in the evaluation of exam papers.
Till the primary education level, the answer sheets are verified by the local teachers of the school. However, from the secondary education level, the sheets are being sent to the external examiners of other schools or colleges so that they are being evaluated by fair means. Basically the board or university takes the decision that the answer scripts of which college should go to which examiner so that no discrepancy is created. In addition to that, in many cases after the examination, the scripts are also cross-checked the faculties of universities or board.
Another big amendment done in the examination pattern in support of the above change is that, each answer sheet has been allotted a unique number, which is associated with the roll number of the student at the time of examination. This helps them to keep a record of the answer scripts. Thus if any answer script is missing then that can be found out and the actions could be taken accordingly.