On Friday, chief minister of Punjab placed emphasis for academic collaboration between universities across the world stating the obvious fact that such tie-ups will greatly benefit both teachers and students.
This statement was given by him while interacting with delegates from Nottingham Trent University, UK, who met him in Punjab. The chief minister further stated that in order to familiarize students with emerging fields in education and with the world turning into a global village, collaboration is important.
He enhanced the fact that by collaborating with different universities across the globe, overall development of students can be achieved as light of knowledge would be spread in each and every corner of this world.
In order to benefit the students of the state, a frequent exchange programme for both students and teachers (between Punjab and Nottingham universities) is what is the need of the hour, suggested the CM.
On being asked why it's the need of the hour, he replied that these collaborations would play a vital role in updating knowledge of students and up scaling skills of teachers.
Badal further added that government is ready to provide support and cooperation if universities of Punjab and Nottingham Trent take measures for stating student and faculty exchange programmmes.
In order to provide training in agriculture, bio-sciences, animal husbandry and in developing disease resistant varieties of animal breeds, he sought cooperation of delegates where the University has an upper hand.
Badal insisted that through this bilateral tie-up, vocational education should be imparted to students. This move will provide for twin benefits i.e. eradicating unemployment with providing for skilled manpower to cater to the needs of the industry.
Putting a stamp on his word, the chief minister asked the biggies of Guru Nanak Dev University and Dean of Punjabi University, to immediately look into finalizing the modalities of the collaboration with the delegation visiting there.
Looking at the enthusiasm of the chief minister, the vice-chancellor professor Edward Pek and pro-vice chancellor professor Hely also showed their eagerness to collaborate with the Punjab university in academics.