Government has identified wide range of sectors including energy, water management, farm production, medical research, waste disposal, health care, computing and communications, e-infrastructure, cyber security that require breakthrough innovations and significant Science and Technology inputs. In order to play a productive and appropriate role to service these national needs with direction, the Government has recently enunciated Science, Technology and Innovation Policy 2013 (STIP). The Policy has stressed to focus on research and development by prioritizing critical areas like agriculture, telecommunications, energy, water management, health and drug discovery, materials, environment variability and change. The Department of Science and Technology has been collaborating with many of the ministries and departments to build strategies to implement STIP 2013. Though there are no special packages provided for such sectors, the ministries and departments catering to the specific sectors are being provided annual budget for their programmes and schemes. However, to create Peta scale Supercomputing facilities and provide high performance computing for various applications such as climate modeling; weather prediction; aerospace engineering; computational biology; atomic energy simulations; earthquake simulations; National Security and Finance, the Government has given special package in the XII Plan.
The Minister of Science & Technology and Earth Sciences Shri S.Jaipal Reddy gave this information in reply to a written question in the Lok Sabha today.