Upgrade education infrastructure, quality of teachers: Pranab Mukherjee

Image of Upgrade education infrastructure, quality of teachers: Pranab Mukherjee | Education News Photo

At a function in Kolkata, President Pranab Mukherjee called upon the innumerable educational institutes in the country and urged them to work upon improving their quality of teaching and infrastructure to enhance the learning outcome.

"I suggest that education infrastructure should be upgraded, improve the quality of teachers and learning capacity of students", he remarked during his address at a function in the University of Calcutta.

He stressed on the exchange of ideas and improvement in the quality of teaching to bring about an education revolution in the country.

He also told the audience that he makes it a point to invite Universities Vice chancellors and NITs' directors to accompany him on foreign tours so that they can meet International educationists.

He expressed his disappointment over the Indian Universities lagging behind their International competitors. He hoped that the Indian Universities would soon assume a top place in the world rankings.

He suggested the institutions to adopt at least five villages and turn them into model and world class villages by sharing with them their expertise and knowledge.

The President signed out by saying "I urge this university to pioneer this drive in the adjoining areas,"