NEW DELHI: HRD Ministry’s proposal of allowing non-resident students at the undergraduate level has not found favour with IITs. The directors at IIT are apprehensive about the idea stating that having non-resident students will alter the character of IITs.
One of the directors commented, "IIT is also about the larger environment of free debate and liberal atmosphere. Moreover, our undergraduate courses are most sought after," adding that IITs are open to the idea of having non-resident students at the post-graduate and doctorate level. The directors are of the opinion that only when the students are residents at the campus can they absorb the spirit of the esteemed institute and become a part of the world of IIT.
Even if the students are not living on campus, the IITs will be responsible for looking after their well-being. However, in the IIT Council meeting held last month, many directors showed support for the idea, if it receives approval of the respective senates. According to sources, senates of many IITs are not keen about the idea.
There is also a suggestion by one of the Chairpersons of an IIT, to outsource the job of hostel upkeep to an external agency which will pay fees to IITs and charge students at the rates prevalent in the market. The money thus received by the IITs can be used to reduce hostel charges of students who are needy. This is one of the many ideas that are being considered for how to run the hostels.
With a view to increase the strength of IITS to one lakh students, by the year 2020, at the doctorate, postgraduate as well as undergraduate level, the idea of having non-resident students was proposed.