To offer better quality educational facilities to people with disabilities, and to reduce the challenges faced by them in everyday life, is the only purpose of this mission of the launch of an online educational website. This has been specially developed for people with disability by the non-profit organization Cross the Hurdles that promotes education for everyone by aiding the underprivileged and differently abled.
To benefit the disabled community with quality education, an online dedicated educational services has been started for students to learn comfortably in virtually created classrooms. This online education service is available on computers with good internet access and headsets and microphones are used to make learning interactive while learning well designed lessons. Online curriculum has been designed for students in the subjects such as English, Hindi, Sanskrit, science and social science.
President of the organization Cross the Hurdles, Abha Khetarpal, pointed out the failures in providing better educational facilities to disabled students and said that such students suffer because most of us are unaware of the problems faced by them and their needs. This online educational platform will benefit such students, who are unable to go to the school, and it will help to learn the basics of various subjects. It also offers extra coaching to those students who are already studying in various schools when they access the website, added Khetrpal as reported by TOI.
The service offered by this project involves teachers and volunteers devoting their time to teach disabled students, course content designed as per the norms given by CBSE, extra mentoring and experts are made available to handle student difficulties and video based lessons and use of white board to help students in learning better. Children suffering from dyslexia, dyscalculia and hyperactivity disorder will be specially taken care of under this project.