Setting of 50 new Kendriya Vidyalayas approved by Cabinet

Fifty new Kendriya Vidyalayas (KVs) will be established across the country to provide quality education

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In order to increase the reach of education in the country, cabinet has approved the setting of 50 new Kendriya Vidyalayas which will provide education to the around 50,000 students.

An official statement said "The schools, which will be set up under the civil/defense sector for classes 1 to 5, will "provide quality education to approximately 50,000 students in addition to around 12 lakh students already studying in present KVs. The new KVs for which 650 regular posts will be created, will "address the educational needs of eligible students with high quality standards and will play a role of pace-setting educational institutions in the districts concerned."

These schools have been operational for 50 years within the country and now they will provide common syllabus and system of education so that the children of government employee may not be at any sort of educational disadvantage when their parents get transferred from one place to another.

Setting up of KV requires at least 4-acre of land in the city and beyond that in other areas.

An official in statement said ""The school grows every year with addition of one more higher class and, when the school grows up to class XII and becomes a full-fledged school with two sections in each class, there shall be a requirement of about 4,000 regular posts of various categories including around 2,900 teaching posts and about 1,100 non-teaching posts."