Second Phase of NEET Exam to Be Scheduled on July 24

Image of Second Phase of NEET Exam to Be Scheduled on July 24 | Education News Photo

One of the most awaited exams NEET (NATIONAL ELIGIBILITY CUM ENTRANCE TEST) is scheduled to be happened in less than week that is on July 24th 2016. The aspirants from Telugu States are high in numbers. 

Bothe the states Telangana and Andra Pradesh have held their own Emaciates for admission under convener's quota in both courses, MBBS and BDS. All the aspiring candidate who longing for admission under the management quota has to take the test.

About candidates for NEET exam:

According to the experts, NEET exam is expecting good number aspiring candidates and number may go up-to 20000 candidates.  These students will appear from the States of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.

Four centres at which the exam will be held: 





If we talk about the number of colleges in each state, it is 12 each in both the states, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.

Those students are coming under the management quota, has an option of getting admission in other states as well. These students also prefer admission in the states of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Maharashtra and are having opportunity to get an admission in these states.

Some Important Details on NEET "“ 

1.The final results for NEET will be released on August 17.

2.The first phase was held on May 2, the second phase will be on July 24.

3.Admission procedure for students with the NEET score will go on still September 30. 

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