School fee hiked by more than 10% in new session

Around 72 per cent people feel that schools have increased fees beyond 10 per cent in this new session

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According to a survey, in which 9000 parents and grandparents participated said that they feel the schools fee has hiked by more than 10% in the new session. Last year in September 2016, CBSE had mandated all schools to disclose their fee hike to the CBSE and on their respective school websites and according to the CBSE only 14,000 out of 18,000 schools have complied with the CBSE rule.

In Delhi, 59% of the parents said that the schools have hiked their school fee between 11 to 20 percent. A survey conducted by the citizen engagement platform Local Circles revealed this.

In a survey which was conducted on national scale more than 50% parents said that their schools have increased the fee between 11 to 20 percent.

Nearly 15 percent parents said that fee hike was above 20 percent and 31 percent admitted that increase was between 0 to 10 percent. This survey was conducted by the Local Circle in 17 different states of India and the results are not very surprising.

In states like Haryana, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, West Bengal, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand, Jharkhand and Goa more than 75 percent parents said that schools have increased their fee by more than 10 percent.

About 50 to 5 percent parents from the states like Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Delhi admitted that fee hike is more than 10 percent.

Only parents from Gujrat and Bihar said that fee hike was less than 10%.

School principals who participated in a survey said "in the last few months, they have focused on optimizing their costs, negotiated with their vendor base and also looked at reducing wastage of resources. As a result, they were able to keep the fee increase to the permissible levels, they said."