Rajasthan Education minister says Considerable growth in quality of education in govt. schools

There are more well established systems in the education sector such as systematic evaluation programmes which help teachers understand problems regarding the subject matter.

Image of Rajasthan Education minister says Considerable growth in quality of education in govt. schools | Education News Photo

CCE adopted in all schools; better teacher: student ratios seen

The state of Rajasthan has shown commendable progress in the quality of education in the last two years, said the state education department. Based on NCERT (National Council for Education Research and Training) and SIRT (State Institute of Research and Training) there has been an increase of 8% to 20% in the quality of education. State Education Minister, Vasudev Devnani, has lauded the feat and termed it as a positive indication towards education.

Students have shown considerable progress in subjects like mathematics, science, and Hindi, as per the reports. This has been attributed to a number of factors. People in general are more aware about the significance of education. There are more well established systems in the education sector such as systematic evaluation programmes which help teachers understand problems regarding the subject matter.

The survey was conducted in 2,580 schools across 33 districts. They collected a sampling after analysing 40,596 students studying in classes 3, 5 and 7. It was found that the Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation (CCE) system has been successfully adopted in these schools.

The government schools which had been lagging behind are now showing promise in quality education. Minister Devnani remarked that the merging of schools, teacher-student ratios in classrooms, availability of subject teachers in schools and continuous evaluation are the major factors responsible for the increase in the quality of education in Rajasthan.