Over the past decade, Engineering colleges have mushroomed in the country. You can find one engineering institute at each and every nook and corner of the country. This has led to a sharp decline in the quality of technical education throughout the country, whose results are visible when the companies hire students from such colleges.
According to the AICTE, the apex body handling all the technical institutes throughout the country, has stated that close to 150 to 200 technical colleges that offer courses such as MBA and engineering shut down in the country year after year.
According to the same report, this issue isn't seen with the Pharma colleges that have seen many takers over the years. As a result, many of the technical education institutes in the country are also seeking permission to offer Pharma courses to boost their enrolment and the resulting revenues.
AICTE's chairman, Anil Sahasrabudhe was recently quoted saying, "AICTE on an average gets applications to cancel permission for 150 to 200 technical colleges. The council also receives over 600 applications annually for starting new colleges in the country."
He further added, "On an average, in 10,800 colleges in the country, a total of 1.5 lakh technical seats including engineering and MBA seats fall vacant every year,"
As the closing remarks, he said, "Colleges and institutes across the country now face a 30 percent shortage in faculties which is affecting the quality of education. In order to make up for the shortfall, AICTE has decided that that college administrations can fill up 20 percent of the sanctioned strength with visiting faculties from respective industries."