Original certificates not to be submitted during admission says UGC

For those institutions that make money in the name of verification of certificates, mark sheets or remittance of fees and refunds, the University Grants Commission (UGC) at New Delhi has introduced new Norms.

Image of Original certificates not to be submitted during admission says UGC | Education News Photo

For those institutions that make money in the name of verification of certificates, mark sheets or remittance of fees and refunds, the University Grants Commission (UGC) at New Delhi has introduced new Norms. Under the new rules, no higher education institute shall insist on students to submit their original documents at the time of submitting an admission form. Also it states that institutions can verify the original documents on spot at the time of admissions and return them upon verification. They can keep attested copies of the documents for reference, if required.

It will also no more be compulsory for students to purchase the prospectus at the time of admission or during the academic year. Further adding to this, institutes will be allowed to collect advance fees only for the current semester or academic year and not more than that since it will restrict the students to choose other options for enrollment and completing their academic year will become a burden to the student because if he wishes to opt out, he will have to forgo his fees and complete the academic year at any circumstance.

However under new norms, for students who wish to opt out from the academic year which they are enrolled in, the institute shall follow a 4-tier system for remittance or refund for fees. For withdrawal notices served 15 days before the formally notified last date of admission, processing charges will be deducted (10% of aggregate fees from refundable amount). As and when the admission date nears, the processing charges to be deducted will also be increased.

As per the mandate by UGC, every institute must constitute a Grievance Redressal Committee to clear complaints. For any incident where original documents are retained or no refund is provided, college and affiliated university will be responsible and held for punitive action.