Only 0.56 percent higher education students disabled

Image of Only 0.56 percent higher education students disabled | Education News Photo

India's dismal record in assisting disabled students with their education doesn't seem to get any better. According to a recent survey on status of disability in higher education, only 0.56% of the total students in 150 colleges and universities across the country are disabled.

Of the 15,21,438 students currently enrolled in different higher educational institutes in the country, the disabled population is only 8,449.

The survey was carried out by National Center for Promotion of Employment of Disabled Peoples (NCPEDP). According to the numbers, the males comprised of 74.08% of such students whereas the females constituted 22.7% of their population.

NCPEDP's director, Javed Abidi was quoted saying "It is extremely shocking and disheartening that even twenty years after the enactment of the Disability Act 1995, the actual implementation is only 0.5 per cent as against the mandated quota of 3 per cent which raises many questions." 

"Why are disabled students not able to go to colleges and educational institutions. It is the architectural barriers as in the institutions are still not disabled friendly, transportation facilities are not adequate which create hindrances. We hope that the government will take notice of the survey and look into the matter,"

Of the 200 institutions requested to participate in the survey, only 150 sent their data which included all the 16 IITs and 13 IIMs.

Last year, the survey recorded 0.63% disabled students in the country's universities and colleges.