Online redressal mechanism for complaints to be introduced in Engineering Colleges

New norms by AICTE asks colleges to put an online complaint system in place on urgent basis

Image of Online redressal mechanism for complaints to be introduced in Engineering Colleges | Education News Photo

Very soon, the students and the faculty members of almost 10,000 engineering colleges will have the power to register their complaints and grievances through an online mechanism and for this All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), has asked all the institutions, which are affiliated to it, "to urgently put in place an online mechanism, if not presently existing, for registering and disposing of grievances."

AICTE is a body, which regulates technical education in the country.

According to the directive issued by the AICTE, the HRD ministry, not only has suggested but also stressed on the need to have an online complaint system not only for the students but also for the teachers and stakeholders.

"At the time of granting annual approval to the institution, the effectiveness of the online complaint system will play a crucial role and will be an important factor", said AICTE.

"Every institution should be able to receive and dispose grievance online," said the missive, signed by the AICTE chief Anil Sahasrabudhe and addressed the same to the heads of all AICTE approved technical institutions.

The regulator also said," An online monthly status report, regarding the number of the grievances received, disposed off and pending should be informed to AICTE."